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iPhone 13 Mini worth it in 2023 and 2024? My thoughts

My thoughts on whether the iPhone 13 Mini stands the test of time in 2023 and 2024 due to size and battery life
Sid Metcalfe

Cartesian Mathematics Foundation


November 26, 2023


I’ve always admired the iPhone Mini’s defiance of the trend toward larger screens. Holding my iPhone 13 Mini, I’m reminded of the days when phones fit comfortably in one hand. There’s a certain charm to its compactness that larger phones just can’t match. Yet, I’m aware that there’s a growing preference for bigger displays and longer battery life.



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The Evolution and Potential Return of the Mini

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From a personal standpoint, the iPhone 13 Mini embodies a philosophy of less-is-more, offering just enough screen to engage with content without succumbing to the temptation of endless scrolling.

Here’s where my thoughts converge on the future of the Mini:

  • Nostalgic Appeal: Apple’s pattern has shown that they aren’t afraid to reintroduce form factors, such as the iPad Mini’s comeback. The Mini could see a similar revival if demand bubbles up again.

  • Technological Advancements: Innovations like stacked battery technology may provide the key to fitting more power into smaller devices. If this becomes reality, it might create a viable path for the Mini’s return.

Despite its merits, I’m conscious of the Mini’s shortcomings. The battery life, often criticized, does fall short of its larger counterparts. Moreover, the market’s shift towards larger screens is unmistakable – with the average consumer seeking a vast canvas for their multimedia consumption.

Nevertheless, the Mini’s value is not entirely eclipsed by its drawbacks. Fans of the diminutive form factor still yearn for the blend of portability and capability it offers. I find myself wondering if Apple might address this niche yet vocal group by infusing fresh innovations into a future Mini. Could we see a device that harnesses the efficiency of a 3nm processor, or perhaps it will term as the new SE, reimagined with current-gen specs while retaining its petite size?

As it stands, there are no concrete signs from Apple suggesting an imminent revival. Conversations within tech forums illuminate a clear split – with enthusiasts advocating for a Mini resurgence, while pragmatists point to market dynamics that favor larger devices.

The essential list of features I’d hope to see if the Mini does return includes:

  • An improved battery via advanced technology

  • A processor upgrade that balances performance with efficiency

  • A compact design that does not forego essential features

It’s a tightrope walk for Apple, surely. The Mini’s journey has been one of contrasts – a compact companion for some, an undersized anomaly for others. Its future remains under the veils of market insights and chip miniaturization capabilities. One can only speculate whether enough collective nostalgia and technological development can conjure a new chapter for the iPhone Mini or if it will remain a product of fond remembrance.

Battery Life Concerns and Technological Innovations

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As an iPhone 13 Mini owner, I’ve come to appreciate the balance it strikes between compactness and capability. However, I’m not blind to the concerns around battery life—a critical factor for many users including me. I often find myself wishing for just a bit more longevity, particularly since I barely make it through the day without reaching for a charger.

Here are some of the aspects I’ve considered:

  • Battery Capacity: The Mini’s smaller physical size constrains its battery capacity, understandably resulting in shorter battery life compared to its larger siblings.

  • Use Cases: For light users or those who prefer a secondary device, the trade-off in screen size and battery might be worth it. However, it can be a significant concern for power users or those reliant on their device throughout the day.

When I heard rumors about a significant battery capacity increase in the upcoming iPhone 15, I was intrigued by the possibility of a Mini with a better battery, but given the physical constraints, I remained skeptical. The stacked battery technology is particularly fascinating as it could potentially offer the following advantages:

  • More efficient use of space within the smartphone chassis

  • Possibly longer battery life due to higher capacity without increasing phone size

However, I’m also aware that even with new technology, there are constraints that come with the Mini’s size. Realistically, I know a Mini with a Pro-level battery is unlikely due to the trade-offs required in design. Here’s a brief rundown:


  • Increased battery life with new technology

  • Sustained love for the smaller phone form factor


  • Technological limits may not allow for a substantial increase in battery life

  • The market tends to favor larger screens, which indirectly suggests a preference for longer battery life

The iPhone SE (2020) I had previously was perfect in size and often had about 50-60% battery left before bed, but it didn’t have the best screen real estate for my daily tasks.

Innovations in battery tech are always exciting, and I read on MacRumors about the possible increase in the next line-up’s battery capacity. Though, I balance that anticipation with the caution that new technology often takes time to refine before it can be effectively incorporated into smaller devices.

Lastly, I’ve noted with interest that while Pro features demand more power, advancements in chip efficiency could help mitigate some of the battery drain issues. It’s a complex jigsaw of technology, design, and user expectation, but one that I follow with optimism for future Mini models, should they continue to grace Apple’s lineup.